Monthly Payroll Service

Employee payroll management is a crucial aspect of human resources management within any organization. It often involves complex processes and requires a high level of precision, which can pose a significant challenge to companies. Errors in payroll management can have negative impacts on both employees and the company. We understand these challenges and aim to provide efficient solutions to help your company manage employee payroll smoothly and effectively.

With our monthly payroll management service, you can focus on your company’s operations while we handle the aspects related to employee payroll meticulously and professionally.

Monthly Payroll Service

Calculate Income and Make Payments and Deductions

We offer meticulous payroll calculation services that encompass components such as basic salary, allowances, overtime pay, bonuses, incentives, paid leave, unpaid leave, income tax deductions (LHDN), EPF contributions, SOCSO, EIS, zakat (Islamic tax), PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation), and Tabung Haji (Hajj fund).

Processing & Aligning Payroll Lists

MUSTRE ensures that your payroll list is processed efficiently and accurately on time. We conduct meticulous alignment processes to ensure that all payroll information is correct and aligned with the required standards.

Providing Reports and Summaries

We not only handle payroll calculations but also provide reports and summaries related to the management of your employees' salaries. This assists you in making informed decisions and facilitates the auditing process.

Providing Pay Slips

Each of your employees will receive a detailed and easily understandable pay slip every month. This helps maintain transparency in payroll management and provides employees with an understanding of their payments.

Preparation of EA Forms for Each Employee

We manage the preparation of the necessary EA forms for each of your employees. This is part of our responsibility to ensure that the documents required by LHDN (Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia) are prepared accurately.

Submission of Form E

We also handle the submission of Form E to LHDN within the designated period. This is an important step to ensure that all payroll transactions are legally valid.