Employment Agency

Recruiting quality employees is a major challenge in today’s business world. Companies often face difficulties in finding candidates who meet their organizational needs. We understand that effective employee recruitment is fundamental to a company’s success, which is why we provide professional services to help you address this challenge.

At MUSTRE, we are committed to assisting your company in filling vacant positions with qualified candidates. Contact us today for more information about the recruitment services we offer.

Job Advertising (Internal/External)

MUSTRE provides tailored job advertising services to meet the internal and external needs of your company. We assist you in reaching out to the best talent to fill vacant positions within your organization.

Resume Searching

We provide meticulous resume search services to facilitate your search for candidates who meet your job requirements. With access to an extensive database, we assist you in finding the right talent.

Candidate Screening / Listing

MUSTRE will assist you in organizing candidates who have been approved based on the established criteria. This ensures that you only get the most qualified candidates for interview sessions.

Interview Sessions

We organize professional interview sessions to ensure that you not only get candidates with the qualifications but also those who fit your company's culture and values. We facilitate the interview process for you.

Assessment & Control

MUSTRE provides meticulous assessment and control services to ensure that selected candidates meet your company's requirements. We ensure they meet the necessary standards.

Employee Recruitment

We will assist you throughout the employee recruitment process from start to finish. This includes structuring contracts, job offers, and thorough hiring processes.

Monthly Payroll Service

Employee payroll management is a crucial aspect of human resources management within any organization. It often involves complex processes and requires a high level of precision, which can pose a significant challenge to companies. Errors in payroll management can have negative impacts on both employees and the company. We understand these challenges and aim to provide efficient solutions to help your company manage employee payroll smoothly and effectively.

With our monthly payroll management service, you can focus on your company’s operations while we handle the aspects related to employee payroll meticulously and professionally.

Monthly Payroll Service

Calculate Income and Make Payments and Deductions

We offer meticulous payroll calculation services that encompass components such as basic salary, allowances, overtime pay, bonuses, incentives, paid leave, unpaid leave, income tax deductions (LHDN), EPF contributions, SOCSO, EIS, zakat (Islamic tax), PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation), and Tabung Haji (Hajj fund).

Processing & Aligning Payroll Lists

MUSTRE ensures that your payroll list is processed efficiently and accurately on time. We conduct meticulous alignment processes to ensure that all payroll information is correct and aligned with the required standards.

Providing Reports and Summaries

We not only handle payroll calculations but also provide reports and summaries related to the management of your employees' salaries. This assists you in making informed decisions and facilitates the auditing process.

Providing Pay Slips

Each of your employees will receive a detailed and easily understandable pay slip every month. This helps maintain transparency in payroll management and provides employees with an understanding of their payments.

Preparation of EA Forms for Each Employee

We manage the preparation of the necessary EA forms for each of your employees. This is part of our responsibility to ensure that the documents required by LHDN (Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia) are prepared accurately.

Submission of Form E

We also handle the submission of Form E to LHDN within the designated period. This is an important step to ensure that all payroll transactions are legally valid.

Human Resources (HR)

When managing human resources within a company, compliance with the Employment Act 1955 is a critical responsibility yet often presents a challenge. Safety and compliance with labor laws are crucial aspects of human resources management. We understand that non-compliance can lead to serious legal complications. We aim to assist your company in complying with the law and conducting human resources operations smoothly.

With the help of our human resources management services, your company can operate its human resources functions more efficiently, comply with the law, and better meet the needs of employees.

Compliance with the Employment Act 1955 in Human Resources Management

We assist companies in diligently complying with the Employment Act 1955. This includes ensuring that employee policies, wage deduction practices, and job conditions are in line with applicable labor laws. As a result, your company can avoid any potential legal errors and maintain good relationships with employees.

Written Employee Handbook, Drafts & Human Resources Policies

We provide written employee handbooks and assist your company in writing and implementing appropriate human resources policies. This helps streamline employee management and provides clear guidance to employees regarding their ethics and job responsibilities.

Managing Offer Letters & Employment Contracts

We assist in preparing valid and appropriate offer letters or employment contracts. This ensures that the terms of employment and responsibilities are clear and acknowledged by both parties.

Kami menyediakan surat pengesahan bagi pekerja yang telah berkhidmat selama tempoh percubaan. Surat ini memastikan bahawa status pekerjaan mereka telah disahkan.

Kami membantu menyediakan surat rujukan yang memberikan gambaran positif mengenai prestasi pekerja kepada majikan masa depan.

Kami membantu dalam penyediaan surat pemutusan perkhidmatan yang mengikuti prosedur yang diwajibkan oleh undang-undang dan memastikan bahawa pemutusan tersebut adalah sah dan beretika.

Commercial Officer Application (Expatriate)

Registering commercial officers and compliance with relevant regulations and laws is an important aspect of company management. However, this process is often complex and requires in-depth knowledge of relevant legislation and regulations. Errors in registration and compliance can result in serious legal complications. We take responsibility for helping your company manage all aspects related to commercial officer applications efficiently and accurately.

With the assistance of our commercial officer application services, your company can carry out this process more easily and comply with applicable laws. We reduce your workload and ensure that all documents and applications are accurate and legally valid.

Company Registration via ESD & Company Activation with LOU

We assist in the registration process with the Employment Service Division and activation of the company with the Letter of Undertaking. We ensure that all necessary documents and applications are meticulously prepared to ensure the smooth registration process.

Employment Pass

We assist in the processing of employment passes for foreign workers who wish to work in Malaysia. This includes pass processing, compliance with necessary requirements, and ensuring that workers have valid employment passes.

Dependent Pass

We also assist in the processing of dependent passes for the spouses and children of foreign workers. This helps foreign workers to bring their families to Malaysia legally.

Pass Cancellation

We assist in the processing of pass cancellations for workers whose contracts have ended or who wish to leave Malaysia. This cancellation process is important to ensure compliance with relevant laws.

Special Pass

We also assist in processing special passes that may be required by individuals with special needs that need to be considered in registration and compliance.

Student Pass

We ensure that foreign students who wish to study in Malaysia obtain valid student passes and comply with all related regulations.

Industrial Relations

MUSTRE offers a comprehensive range of services in the field of Industrial Relations. We understand the importance of managing these aspects wisely and in accordance with established regulations to ensure harmony and stability in the workplace. Here are our key services in the subtopic of Industrial Relations:

Prosedur Jabatan Tenaga Kerja

Kami membantu dalam pengurusan dan pelaksanaan prosedur JTK yang efektif. Ini termasuk penasihat dan panduan mengenai bagaimana mematuhi peraturan JTK, dari pengurusan konflik hingga penyelesaian pertikaian. Penyediaan dokumentasi dan bantuan dalam komunikasi dengan JTK untuk memastikan semua prosedur diikuti dengan teliti.

Prosedur Misconduct

Menyediakan panduan dalam menguruskan kes salah laku pekerja. Ini termasuk mengidentifikasi, menyiasat, dan mengambil tindakan disiplin yang sesuai. Penyusunan dasar dan prosedur untuk mengelakkan salah laku dan menyediakan latihan kepada pengurus dan pekerja tentang standar tingkah laku di tempat kerja.

Prosedur Retrenchment

Membantu dalam merancang dan melaksanakan proses retrenchment yang adil dan mengikut undang-undang. Ini termasuk konsultasi mengenai pilihan-pilihan yang tersedia, penilaian impak, dan penyediaan sokongan kepada pekerja yang terlibat. Menyediakan nasihat mengenai hak dan tanggungjawab majikan dan pekerja dalam proses retrenchment, serta membantu dalam penyediaan pakej pemutusan yang sesuai.

Program Latihan

Memperkukuhkan kemahiran peribadi dan profesional merupakan langkah penting dalam mencapai kejayaan dalam perniagaan dan kehidupan. Namun, seringkali individu dan syarikat menghadapi cabaran dalam mengembangkan kemahiran ini secara berkesan.

Kami faham bahawa setiap individu mempunyai potensi untuk mencapai tahap terbaik dalam diri mereka, tetapi mereka mungkin memerlukan bimbingan dan latihan yang tepat. Kami menyediakan perkhidmatan Personal Mastery Coaching untuk membantu anda mengatasi cabaran-cabaran ini dan mencapai potensi penuh anda.

Sesi Coaching One-to-One

Kami menyediakan sesi kejurulatihan peribadi yang satu kepada satu untuk membantu anda memperbaiki kemahiran peribadi dan profesional anda. Sesi ini disesuaikan mengikut keperluan individu dan bertujuan untuk mencapai matlamat peribadi dan profesional yang telah ditetapkan.

Rancangan Perniagaan

Kami membantu anda dalam merancang dan merumuskan rancangan perniagaan yang berkesan. Ini termasuk analisis pasaran, strategi perniagaan, dan pelaksanaan tindakan-tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mencapai kejayaan perniagaan.

Cara Melatih Pekerja Anda

Kami memberikan latihan dalam cara melatih dan memotivasi pekerja anda untuk mencapai prestasi yang lebih baik. Ini membantu meningkatkan produktiviti dan prestasi pasukan anda.

Kemahiran Kepimpinan

Kami menyediakan latihan dalam kemahiran kepimpinan yang membantu anda menjadi pemimpin yang berkesan dalam perniagaan anda. Ini termasuk pengurusan pasukan, komunikasi, dan pengembangan diri sebagai pemimpin.

Teknik Kalis Peluru

Kami membantu anda menguasai kemahiran mengatasi tekanan dan stres dalam kehidupan dan perniagaan. Ini membantu anda untuk tetap fokus dan produktif dalam keadaan yang mencabar.

Teknik Fireproof

Kami membantu anda mempersiapkan perniagaan anda untuk menghadapi cabaran dan krisis yang mungkin timbul. Ini termasuk perancangan kecemasan, pengurusan risiko, dan strategi pemulihan.

Konsultasi HR

Kami menawarkan perkhidmatan konsultasi HR yang komprehensif, direka untuk menyokong dan memperkasa pengurusan HR dalam syarikat anda. Berikut adalah intipati perkhidmatan konsultasi HR kami.

HR Briefing

Kami menyediakan sesi penerangan HR yang komprehensif untuk memastikan bahawa pasukan pengurusan dan staf anda memahami dasar-dasar HR, prosedur, dan amalan terbaik. Topik-topik ini termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada pengurusan prestasi, kepatuhan perundangan, pembangunan dan latihan pekerja, serta strategi pengurusan bakat.

Lawatan Pejabat

Pakar HR kami akan melakukan lawatan ke pejabat anda untuk memahami lebih dalam tentang operasi, budaya, dan cabaran HR unik syarikat anda. Melalui lawatan ini, kami dapat memberikan nasihat dan penyelesaian yang disesuaikan dengan keperluan khusus organisasi anda, serta membantu dalam mengoptimumkan proses dan prosedur HR.


Menyediakan nasihat pakar tentang pelbagai aspek pengurusan HR. Ini termasuk isu-isu seperti kepatuhan kepada undang-undang tenaga kerja, penyelesaian konflik, dan strategi penggajian. Kami juga menawarkan sokongan berterusan dan nasihat untuk pengurusan perubahan, pembangunan organisasi, dan peningkatan kapasiti HR.